Secondary xylem consists of pitted vessels, parenchyma fibers and rays. 次生木质部由孔纹导管、薄壁组织及射线所组成。
There were more secondary vascular rays, which consisted of multiserial cells in cultured soybean. In wild soybean there were less vessel rays, which consisted of uniseriate ray cells. 栽培大豆次生结构中的次生维管射线的数目多,每一射线都由多列细胞组成,而野生大豆维管射线数目少且由一列射线细胞组成。
On the secondary extinction of X-rays X射线的次级消光
Using the basic excitation equation, an expression of the optimum incident anlge was obtained as a function of the ratio of mass absorption coefficients for original and secondary X rays. 在90°散射角下,从基本激发方程出发,导出了以基体对入射与出射X射线质量吸收系数比为变量的最佳入射角表达式。
The vertical system of secondary phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells, parenchyma cells, stone cells and secretory ducts, and radial system were composed with the phloem rays. 次生韧皮部由垂直系统的筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞、石细胞、乳汁道以及水平(径向)系统的韧皮射线组成。